Ann Richards

A Journey to Hilliard: Embracing History and Community
When asked what brought her to Hilliard, Ann's mind drifted back to 1989. Her husband had been transferred from the OSU Branch in Lima to The Ohio State University, prompting their move to Columbus. In 1991, they settled into Hilliard, a community that quickly became their cherished home.

Living in Hilliard proved to be a wonderful experience for Ann and her family. She, her husband, and their two children found much to love about the town. What stands out most to Ann is its warm, hometown feel. The terrific school system greatly benefited her kids, and the diversity, safety, and kindness of the people make Hilliard a truly special place.

However, with every silver lining, there are clouds. The rapid development and constant traffic congestion grew to be a concern for Ann. She misses the quieter days and wishes there were fewer fast-food chains and more upscale dining options. The litter that occasionally mars the town's beauty also troubles her.

Ann's journey with the Hilliard Ohio Historical Society (HOHS) began after she retired from teaching in 2022. For years, as a teacher in the Hilliard City Schools, she took her third-grade classes on field trips to the village and museum. Her passion for history and the importance of preserving it naturally drew her to HOHS. Ann believes it is essential for people to see how far they have come and appreciate the sacrifices
made by those before them.

What Ann loves most about the HOHS was the camaraderie. Every member and volunteer has a genuine passion for history and their community. Their opinions are valued, and they work seamlessly together. However, Ann believes there are some improvements that could be made. Better signage off Main Street could help more people discover the tucked-away historic village in Weaver Park. Additionally,
organizing monthly Walking Tours of Old Hilliard from May to October would be fantastic, especially if they could incorporate food stops at local bakeries or the new bagel place. Of course, this would require more volunteers willing to step up and help.

Among all the activities at HOHS, Ann enjoys giving tours the most. Interacting with school children and witnessing their excitement as they learn about history is incredibly rewarding. Her involvement with HOHS has been deeply meaningful. Volunteering was something she always intended to do after retirement, and she never regretted it for a moment. It was not just about making new friends; it was about making a difference.

Ann believes everyone has something unique to offer and that no one should be afraid to try. Her journey with HOHS allows her to contribute to her community in a meaningful way, and she looks forward to many more years of preserving and celebrating the rich history of Hilliard.


Pegi Lobb and Kylo