Kole Hyer

Hilliard Darby High School sophomore Kole Hyer, 15, is one of six teenagers who are members of the society and the only one who is a member of the Board of Trustees. Kole is, in fact, the board’s youngest member.

Why did he seek the post?

“I felt I have a larger impact on the Society and have more of a say in how we spend our money and what events we do and what not,” he said.

Kole said his most important contribution to the board is “having a youth presence – not any big actions but having a younger voice in there.”

Kole is serving his first term. He’s been on the board for two and one-half years and will be up for reelection in February.

He has been a member of the society since age 11. That was when his family visited the Village while attending the Franklin County Fair.

“I talked to Megan Martin in the cabin and I had a real big interest in the society. I’ve always been fascinated by history. It’s a big part of our culture here in Hilliard,” he said.

Kole has put in over 350 volunteer hours helping with numerous events throughout the years. His favorite is the Haunted Village. “It mixes a big holiday with history. It is fun. Families get to know about the society through Halloween,” he said.

He added, “I’ve met a lot of new people and the society has a very special place in my heart. I have a lot of good memories here that I’ll remember forever.”

What are his favorite memories?

“A lot of chats we have had on the porch – a lot of stories old-timers tell. Ron Snider and me have good conversations. It’s just the little stuff like that,” said Kole.

What needs improvement?

“We need more and more volunteers. We are short staffed. We have to get the word out that we are here and part of Hilliard. We need more people to know about the Village. There have been numerous cases where we are talking with people who come through who have lived
here their whole lives and didn’t know about us. They say they are going to come back and bring
the kids and family. And that helps the society become more integrated in Hilliard and that
preserves the society that way,” he said.

The son of Scott and Anita Hyer, Kole has a sister, Lilly, also age 15. He plans to become a history teacher in middle or high school and is looking forward to attending Miami or Ohio University where he will continue to participate in cross country and track.

Contributed by Rosemary Kubera


Bob Eggerichs


Ron Snider