Kathy Chandler

Kathy Chandler used to hate history. Today she’s vice president of the Hilliard Ohio Historical Society. It was a beloved, long-time member and leader, the late Randy Smith, who introduced her to the amazing facts that make up history, especially local history.

“He made me realize what history was like and how things should have been and how things should be today. I miss him. He meant a lot to me. He is the reason that I stay,” said Kathy.

Among other things, Randy worked on accessions or finding antique items people could donate. Randy also worked in the society’s library where people sought him out for his
knowledge about history and the Society.

Kathy met Randy some years ago when she and her husband, James, stopped by the Historical Village on a whim and found the Museum doors open and Randy inside.

“After talking to Randy, I was hooked,” said Kathy. “I realized history was a part of my life. I kind of fit right into that 1800s style because it was a simple life and I’m a simple person. I don’t need all this material stuff. I would love to ride in a stage coach and go get groceries in a horse and buggy,” she said.

Kathy added, “Once I saw the inside of the buildings it kept me more involved and wanting to be sure the kids I was teaching (as a presenter) got to see what the past was like.”

Kathy has been vice president for six years, running unopposed for the office each year. “I just don’t back away. The job needs to be done and I’ve got the time to do it,” she said. She’s seen the Historical Society grow in the past half-dozen years. “Since I’ve been associated with the board and officers we have tried to make it better and still keep it historical.”

Now retired, Kathy was an intervention specialist at South-Western City Schools for five
years, and is a former substitute teacher there and in Hilliard. Her husband and fellow-
volunteer, James, is a government contractor having retired as a technician from the U.S. Air Force after 24 years of service. The couple has three children, Amanda Elliott, Kristopher, and Dustin, and five grandchildren.

Kathy’s tasks at the Historical Society range from drawing a hopscotch on a sidewalk for
children taking school tours to accessing the value of potential donated items to raising funds. She coordinates the school tours and on occasion presents inside buildings. She and her husband volunteer for the Open House, the Art & Craft Fair, and Halloween and Christmas events. “I get to see kids’ faces light up when they see Santa and then I feel I have accomplished something. I like to see people happy,” said Kathy. “When I see a happy face then I know what we did was right.”

Kathy would like to see more people sign up as volunteers. And she would like to see the Society expand its name by adding to it the location in Weaver Park. She’d like the name to be: Hilliard Ohio Historical Society at Weaver Park.

“People don’t know where we are at so it is hard to get volunteers in here. It is a hidden gem of Hilliard. We have got to get word out there because people need to know about us,” said Kathy.

Toward that end, the Society could use more help with marketing. “We need someone to help promote us,” she said.


Megan Martin


Ben Buoni